
Hello Darkness is your Resource for all things going on with our Rust server. I say our because we the admin’s/owners want this to be your home for Rust. As it says above your gonna die. That being said being a dill weed may get your more than you bargained for. We do not tolerate ANY racism. The Admins word is LAW. PVP is welcome just try not to be an ass. This website is under development and will continue to undergo changes even after we are finished with the design. Check the FAQ’s & Rules and or the forums to chime in on the goings on, on the server.

Hello Darkness is your Resource for all things going on with our Rust server. I say our because we the admin’s/owners want this to be your home for Rust. As it says above your gonna die. That being said being a dill weed may get your more than you bargained for. We do not tolerate ANY racism. The Admins word is LAW. PVP is welcome just try not to be an ass. This website is under development and will continue to undergo changes even after we are finished with the design. Check the FAQ’s & Rules and or the forums to chime in on the goings on, on the server.

FAQ’s and Rules

How often is your site updated with new content?

The Rules will not change all that often, so do check back here from time to time. Server events will be updated as they are planned. Any server issues will be listed as soon as they come to our attention.

What are the server rules?

We are glad you asked!

First and foremost, racist language that we catch in chat or someone submits either via screenshot or video capture will result in an instant ban.

Second hacking will not be tolerated. If we catch you you will be permabanned. We will also take your steam ID and share with fellow server owners.

Third, Airdrops are fair game, if it drops on your house/base it is still fair game. Kill or be killed no whining.

Fourth, that leads us to PVP…. ITS A PVP GAME! Your gonna die. That being said if your griefing you will be asked to stop. Second time we ask we will start dropping Bradley APC’s on your face.

Fifth, and final… for now, the admins were not placed on the server to spawn what ever you desire at the time, or even change the time of day. If they choose to spawn items for players, that is their business.  We like to play the game too, and moderating the server takes from our time to play, please bear that in mind. Arguing with and Admin or trying to play us on one another is a very quick way to get you Banned. To clear things up, understand the Admin Strider has the final word on anything. Complaining to other Admins won’t help you. If you don’t agree with another admins decisions please bring it up with Strider. The decision is not like to change as we trust each others judgment, so keep that in mind as well.

I got banned because I didn’t read the rules. What now?

You can submit a plea to the admins to have your ban removed. You must join us in discord and we will hear your side of the story before rendering a final judgment. All bans that are 30 days or older will be perma-bans so do not delay.

What is griefing?

It is a sad day when we have to explain this but we must. The server considers griefing to be the following:

Camping a door for over 30 min with no intent of raiding.

Continually killing folks that are naked or near naked in the spawn area.

In general bringing cancer to the server. This list we are sure will expand as people make an ass out of themselves. Please try not to add to this list.

Hello Darkness Rust Server FAQ’s & Rules

Get Informed

What mods are running on the server?

The server is running:

An Info Panel mod, provides all users with useful information, which include: When an Airdrop is happening. When Heli is inbound. What time of day it is in the server. What direction your facing. If your in rad area(will go red). Also short server messages.

A Stack resize mod, allowing you to carry more in the same inventory space, enjoy.

An Admin Radar mod, we will find the people hacking one way or another.

An Admin Vanish mod, makes our lives easier when conducting server business.

An Admin Player Manager mod, makes banning obnoxious players much faster.

An Admin Airdrop mod, for when the admins feel generous.

We try to keep the server as vanilla as possible. That being said if you have an Oxide mod that you think would make game play better for all, head on over to the forums and leave us a post! We don’t guarantee that every suggested mod will be implemented but we will give each mod thought.

What is the link for Discord?

You can find us on Discord @ https://discord.gg/CqN78rh


If you need to get ahold of us Email us at rust.hello.darkness@gmail.com or find us on discord @ https://discord.gg/CqN78rh